Pay3 Unity Integration

Event Listeners


After completing transactions in Pay3 SDK UI, the Pay3 SDK publishes events via Firebase real-time database for all native SDKs. The listener can be registered after successfully completing the anonymos login in Firebase which happens during initialisation.


This event is fired by Pay3 SDK in following scenario

  1. On completion of Checkout transaction triggered by TriggerOpenCheckout

Snapshot Payload

  1. data (Type Object): Following keys are present in this object
    1. status (Type string): The status can have values SUCCESS or ERROR.
    2. message (Type string): User-friendly message returned after completion of the transaction.
    3. orderId (Type string): Pay3 Order ID.
    4. requestId (Type string): Unique id passed by App.
  2. error (Type Object, Optional): Following keys will be present if there is an error. Please refer to SDK Errors for reference.
    1. code (Type number): Error code.
    2. message (Type string): Error message.