Pay3 Javascript SDK

Initialize using npm


Install dependency

Install @pay3/sdk package using package manager which adds it to your packages.json


The above command will add pay3 js sdk to dependencies section of your package.json



Pay3 SDK supports Fiat Checkout flow using payment only mode.

Pay3 team shares hostname and clientId during onboarding. Following parameters can be used for creating new instance of Pay3.


  1. hostname: Pay3 will be opened in a new window using this hostname prefix. The host name is environment dependent.
  2. clientId: A unique client ID is created for each client application. The client ID is environment dependent.
  3. isPaymentMode : Pass true for fiat checkout in payments only mode.
  4. lang (optional, default value 'en'): This parameter specifies the language preference for the Pay3 SDK. The strings used follow two letter language code as in ISO 639-1. Example pt for Portuguese, en for English.